Kayak Trolleys
9 products
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Kayak trolleys and carts are wheeled devices that make it easier to transport your kayak from your car to the water. They are an essential accessory for anyone who needs to move their kayak over long distances, or who needs to navigate rough or uneven terrain.
Kayak trolleys typically consist of a set of wheels that attach to the bottom of your kayak, along with a frame or support that holds your kayak in place. They are designed to be lightweight, compact, and easy to assemble and disassemble. Some trolleys may even fold up for easy storage in your kayak.
Kayak carts, on the other hand, are larger and typically more heavy-duty than trolleys. They consist of a frame, wheels, and straps or supports that hold your kayak securely in place. Some carts may even have inflatable tires or suspension systems to help navigate rough terrain.
When choosing a kayak trolley or cart, consider the weight and size of your kayak, as well as the terrain you'll be navigating. Look for a trolley or cart that is sturdy, easy to use, and compatible with your kayak. It's also important to consider the weight and portability of the trolley or cart, as you'll need to transport it along with your kayak.