Duotone Kiteboarding Laboratory 2025 - Worthing Watersports

In 2023, Duotone Kite- boarding set the stage for a new era of sustainability and innovation in the kiteboarding industry with the introduction of the Concept Blue initiative. This transformative concept was initially brought to
life with the launch of the state-of-the-art Twintips Select and Soleil, which were designed to not only deliver exceptional performance
but also to incorporate eco-friendly materials and production methods.

 Building upon this success, Duotone continued to revolutionize the industry with following products for 2025

The season 2018 / 2019 was a very exciting one for me. There were
two births that year. We founded the Duotone brand, at the time mainly as a Kiteboarding brand with some Windsurfing elements and we introduced the new sport of Wing Foiling to the market commercially.

At the time, we didn’t know whether Duotone would be a success. We were the market leader in Kiteboarding with our previous brand. But would our own, new brand, under which we now produced top-notch Kiteboarding and Windsurfing gear, be similarly successful? It was a high-risk maneuver and no one could predict where the journey would take us.

Today, in 2024, Duotone has outperformed our expections and has become not just the leading brand but in fact the defining brand in the Boards & More portfolio.

The development of Duotone and the development of Duotone Kiteboarding show what all our employees, what we, the entire Boards & More company, stand for: We use all our passion, enthusiasm and responsibility to shape the future of water sports in a sustainable way. With impressive innovations, distinctive design and uncompromising quality, we are constantly defining the next level of  equipment.
Today, we offer all of our fascinating water sports under one brand, Duotone.

We use synergies in development and share our creativity. Innovations in the sports inspire each other. For Duotone Kiteboarding customers, this simply means integrated solutions, simplification and consistent quality across all products.

There are so many passionate water sports enthusiasts who kitesurf and Wing Foiling , who Wing Foiling and windsurf, and there are people who do all three water sports. It goes without saying. Boundaries become blurred and everything blends into one big whole that unites us all: the same passion for the fascination of

gliding and foiling, the fascination of experiencing the elements intensively in nature.

We all share the longing for the ultimate session and the absolute flow for unforgettable moments, anywhere in the world. The entire Duotone community is united by the love of Kitesurfing, Windsurfing, Wing Foilinging, Foiling, and our planet:

We are all about the feeling of boundless freedom, shared adventures and mutual respect. Duotone is true – and that is our why.


The Duotone Laboratory is the base for innovation and technology in the kiteboarding industry, offering a unique facility where the Duotone R&D team conducts a wide range of tests and simulations to ensure that the highest quality standards are met and innovation never stops. This state-of-the-art laboratory allows for meticulous testing of materials, including simulations of material aging, tearing tests, color fading tests, and much more.


At Duotone, our commitment to innovation and excellence
is strong. We understand that true progression is rooted in understanding our sport, listening to our community, and continually seeking ways to improve. The latest milestone in this journey is our further evolved Progression Q program.

A Data-Driven Evolution

Our commitment to quality and performance is driven by data. By meticulously analyzing warranty information and actively engaging with our customers through comprehensive surveys, we remain in touch with the market’s real needs.

Rigorous Quality Control and Construction Analysis

Every construction detail is scrutinized through an improved quality control process. We understand that the most common problems stem from minor details, and we are dedicated to resolving them swiftly and efficiently.

Introducing Progression Q – Product Generation 2025

The culmination of our efforts is the revolutionary product generation of 2025, reflecting several key advancements that ensure performance and durability:





With Progression Q, we take a significant leap forward in enhancing the performance, durability, and reliability of your gear. This next-generation equipment reflects our dedication to continuous improvement and our drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of kiteboarding.



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