We are super stoked to announce that with immediate release Gollito Estredo will be part of our Duotone/Fanatic Wing Foiling Team!


As a son of a fisherman Gollito originally comes from El Yaque Beach in Margarita. He started Windsurfing with 7 years and hit the competition scene at age of 14. Eventually we got to meet him in person at the Surf Festival in Germany, where he could show his skills to the public for the first time at the age of 13. That´s where his journey and legendary career began together with us at Fanatic and Duotone. Gollito Estredo has dominated the Freestyle World Tour with 9 PWA Freestyle Windsurf Titles: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018.


During the last 2 years he has found a new passion as he entered the world of Wing Foiling. In 2022 he was leading the GWA Tour in the Surf/Freestyle discipline until the final event and eventually finished 2nd. Now he is keen for more! Coming from Freestyle Windsurfing definitely is a big bonus for Wing Foiling. And being talented like Gollito surely is another one.


We are excited to be a part of Gollito’s profession again and having him back in the family!

Hey Gollito, we are very happy to have you back in the team! You came into the Fanatic/Duotone family with the age of 13 and stayed with us nearly 20yrs, with a short break for the last two years. How does it feel to be back in the family? It feels like a dream come true being back in my family where I did my whole career as a professional windsurfer, now with a new goal where I want to do my best like always. I still can't believe it. I'm very excited!


You originally come from Windsurfing, now your main focus is on Wing Foiling. When and why did you change your ambitions? I started Wing Foiling two years ago and since then my mind has changed completely. I saw that it could be a possibility to continue my professional career and I still feel that I made the right decision.

Did you get a chance to try any of your new toys yet?  Yes, of course! The last days I have been using the 4m2 Unit/DLAB together with the Sky Style 4'7", Front Wing 750 and Fanatic/Duotone Collab Mast 82. This setup is amazing and I feel very comfortable with it!


What kind of moves are you working on right now? Right now I quite like the Double Pop move like the 720 and I am working really hard on my 1080!


Will you focus more on freestyle, racing, wave or all? My mind is 100% on freestyle, however I also like to do some racing and a bit of waves - it will be a good mix of everything!


What are your plans/goals for the upcoming season?  For this season I am planning to do some freestyle events. But I would like to train more for next year to be on top of the game again. I think with the perfect gear now, I have the opportunity to go big, which will help me a lot to raise my level! I am super motivated in any case - let´s go!!!





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